Interviews Episodes

June 14, 2021

E57 A Conversation with Dan Murphy of All Good Things

All Good Things is a band you may not have heard of, but you probably have heard . And despite the fact that their upcoming Better Noise Music release is functionally their proper band debut, they've been churning out bangers...
Guest: Dan Murphy
June 3, 2021

[Short Cuts] Bands Talking Bands with Nonpoint

As a thank you to every listener who made our conversation with Robb Rivera and Jason Zeilstra of Nonpoint our most popular episodes to date, we're milking that chat juuuust a bit more! Enjoy a bonus segment where Robb and Ja...
May 31, 2021

E55 A Conversation with Robb & Jason of Nonpoint (Part 2)

The Itch 's conversation with Robb Rivera and Jason Zeilstra of Nonpoint continues! Join us as we discuss how Jason joined the band, the response to their new single "Ruthless ", the value of record stores and album line...
May 24, 2021

E54 A Conversation with Robb & Jason of Nonpoint (Part 1)

The Itch is about to get Ruthless ! Nonpoint dominated our March Bandness tournament, and then proceeded to announce not just a brand new, bangin' single , but their own independent record label, 361 Degrees ! Oh, and th...
March 29, 2021

E46 A Conversation with Maty Madiro of From Ashes to New

In this episode, The Itch is joined by Matty Madiro, the drummer of From Ashes to New , whose third album Panic appeared on our Top 20 Albums of 2020 . Matty shares his fascinating journey from joining Trivium to becoming par...
Guest: Maty Madiro
March 15, 2021

E44 A Conversation with Blake Bedsaul of SAUL

SAUL 's Rise As Equals was not only one of the best debut albums of 2020, but it was one of our top ten albums overall. So we were thrilled to have a chance to talk with vocalist Blake Bedsaul about making the album, being in...
Guest: Blake Bedsaul
March 8, 2021

E43 Boston Punk and Beyond with Trev Allen of The Struggling Artist

Just in time for St. Patrick's Day, The Itch is joined by our friend Trev Allen of The Struggling Artist Podcast to discuss the Boston music scene, punk rock, and how the Dropkick Murphys were a gateway to both! It's a fun fo...
Guest: Trev Allen
Feb. 15, 2021

A Conversation with Sean Dowdell of Grey Daze (Revisited)

We're almost ready to return! In the meantime, here's one last revisit to one of our favorite episodes of last season: our conversation with Sean Dowdell of Grey Daze. Enjoy his stories about life with Chester Bennington of L...
Guest: Sean Dowdell
Nov. 20, 2020

E30 A Conversation with Arya Goggin of Skindred (Part 2)

We couldn't wait to share the rest of our conversation with Arya Goggin of Skindred , The Itch 's official favorite bandâ„¢, so this episode is here early! In part 2, Arya discusses a trifecta of events that cursed their global...
Guest: Arya Goggin
Nov. 16, 2020

E29 A Conversation with Arya Goggin of Skindred (Part 1)

In this episode, guys have the pleasure of speaking with Arya Goggin, drummer of Skindred , The Itch's official favorite bandâ„¢. In part 1 of our conversation, Arya discusses the differences between finding success in the US a...
Guest: Arya Goggin
Oct. 19, 2020

E25 A Conversation with Sean Dowdell of Grey Daze

Just in time for the 20th anniversary of Linkin Park 's game-changing debut Hybrid Theory , The Itch has the pleasure of speaking with the multi-talented Sean Dowdell of Grey Daze , who just released the album Amends , featur...
Guest: Sean Dowdell