Interviews Episodes

Dec. 24, 2022

E133 Christmas Eva II: A Christmas Conversation with Eva Marie of Eva Under Fire

This week, we're scratching The Itch for a holiday tradition! Eva Marie of Eva Under Fire joined us last year for an episode we dubbed Christmas Eva . And she was kind enough to join us again this year, which officially makes...
Guest: Eva Marie
Dec. 6, 2022

E130 A Conversation with Sam Bam Koltun of Dorothy, Faster Pussycat, & Budderside

This week, we're scratching The Itch to talk with a triple threat! Sam Bam Koltun LOVES playing guitar. So much so that the man is part of no less than three bands, while still finding time for more gigs on the side! Join us ...
Nov. 29, 2022

E129 A Conversation with Keith Wallen of Breaking Benjamin

This week, we're scratching The Itch to go solo! Keith Wallen is a member of Breaking Benjamin , but he's also a solo artist and sought-after collaborator. His debut solo album This World Or The Next came out last year, and h...
Guest: Keith Wallen
Nov. 25, 2022

E128 Clipisode: Leftovers III

This week, we're scratching The Itch for gratitude! We've put together a collection of short bonus clips from each of our 2022 interviews as a way to reflect on all the fun we've had learning from and about people in the musi...
Nov. 15, 2022

E126 A Conversation with Dorothy

This week, we're scratching The Itch for a spiritual experience! Dorothy joins us to talk about her amazing new album Gifts From the Holy Ghost , battles of the soul, and learning a lesson about performance from a surprising ...
Guest: Dorothy
Nov. 8, 2022

E125 A Conversation with Myles and Layne Ulrich of Taipei Houston

This week, we're scratching The Itch to explore a tennis legacy! And maybe a musical one as well. Myles and Layne Ulrich of Taipei Houston join us to talk about their debut album Once Bit Never Bored , as well as their experi...
Nov. 1, 2022

E124 A Conversation with Francesca Ludikar of 361 Degrees Records

This week, we're scratching The Itch for a new interview series! Francesca Ludikar , Creative Director and co-founder of 361 Degrees Records alongside the band Nonpoint , joins us to explore the non-musical side of music as w...
Oct. 18, 2022

E122 A Conversation with Mitch Swanger of Silent Theory

This week, we're scratching The Itch to go silent... but only for a few seconds. Mitch Swanger of Silent Theory joins us for an enlightening conversation about the search for the right singer, questionable treatments for stag...
Guest: Mitch Swanger
Oct. 4, 2022

E120 A(nother) Conversation with Eva Marie of Eva Under Fire

This week, we're scratching The Itch to catch up with a friend! Eva Marie of Eva Under Fire joined us twice last year in anticipation of their album Love, Drugs & Misery . Now the album is finally here, and it's capping a...
Guest: Eva Marie
Sept. 6, 2022

E116 A Conversation with Skye Sweetnam of Sumo Cyco

This week, we're scratching The Itch to visit Cyco City! Following up on episode 107 , creative whirlwind Skye Sweetnam of Sumo Cyco joins us to talk about her journey from pop star to rock star, our mutual love of Skindred a...
Guest: Skye Sweetnam
Aug. 23, 2022

E114 A Conversation with Niko & Joel of Blind Channel

This week, we're scratching The Itch to head north! We've got the most streamed rock band in Finland with us to kick off a new recurring interview series: Itch International! Blind Channel made waves in 2021 after appearing o...
Guest: Blind Channel
July 26, 2022

E110 A Conversation with Des Rocs

This week, we're scratching The Itch to get filthy! Des Rocs, whose album A Real Good Person In A Real Bad Place took home our 2021 Debut Album of the Year award and earned a spot on our 2021 Top 20 Albums, joins us to talk a...
Guest: Des Rocs
June 28, 2022

E106 A Conversation with Cam Cole

This week, we're scratching The Itch to keep a promise! Cam Cole won our 2nd annual March Bandness tournament, and we've owed you an episode on him ever since. But we weren't content to just talk ABOUT him. We wanted to talk ...
Guest: Cam Cole
June 23, 2022

E105 A Conversation with Tonya & Cody of Lydia's Castle

This week, we're scratching The Itch to talk about mawwiage! Tonya and Cody of Lydia's Castle join us to talk about their debut EP, their recruitment of former Staind drummer Jon Wysocki into the band, and how they built...
June 9, 2022

E103 A Conversation with Kevin Baldes of Lit

This week, we're scratching The Itch to get Lit ! Affable and multi-talented bassist Kevin Baldes joins us for a great discussion spanning the band's career, from their evergreen single " My Own Worst Enemy " to their lively ...
Guest: Kevin Baldes