Trev Allen

Trev Allen Profile Photo

Trev Allen is the host of The Struggling Artist Podcast, which features conversations about creativity, mental health, and life in general, with guests who often come from some facet of the music industry.

Nov. 26, 2021

E76 Clipisode: Leftovers II

Happy holidays! We know that today some of y'all will still be knocked out and/or dining on the remnants of yesterday's feast, and other psychos amongst you will be running around doing work on your Christmas shopping. Either...
Aug. 5, 2021

[Short Cuts] Tall Guy Problems (with Trev Allen)

Here's a little bonus clip from our Boston punk episode with Trev Allen of The Struggling Artist Podcast . This one goes out to all the tall guys out there. Let's connect!
Guest: Trev Allen
Aug. 2, 2021

The Struggling Artist Podcast - Struggling with The Itch

Earlier this year, The Itch had the privilege of being guests on The Struggling Artist Podcast , where we had a great conversation with our friend Trev Allen about the history (and future) of The Itch. As we prepare for our r...
Guest: Trev Allen
March 8, 2021

E43 Boston Punk and Beyond with Trev Allen of The Struggling Artist

Just in time for St. Patrick's Day, The Itch is joined by our friend Trev Allen of The Struggling Artist Podcast to discuss the Boston music scene, punk rock, and how the Dropkick Murphys were a gateway to both! It's a fun fo...
Guest: Trev Allen