Russ from Infectious Groove Music

Russ from Infectious Groove Music Profile Photo

Russ co-hosts the Infectious Groove Podcast with his friends and fellow music lovers Kyle and Michelle, as well as a vinyl collection show on the Infectious Groove YouTube channel. He's proud of being from Detroit, but for the good reasons. Not the Kid Rock ones.

Nov. 21, 2023

E189 The Weird Al Rock Mixtape with Lauren and Russ

This week, we're scratching The Itch to give thanks... specifically, for Weird Al and good pals! Our friends Lauren from the Beer'd Al Podcast and Russ from Infectious Groove Music join us to compile an Itch-style mixtap...
April 5, 2022

E94 A Tribute to Taylor with Brian Colburn of Playlist Wars

Taylor Hawkins' passing shocked the entire music world. A man who not only made music that people loved, but who exuded energy and light, suddenly gone. This week we're scratching an Itch we never want to have to, but we're n...
Nov. 26, 2021

E76 Clipisode: Leftovers II

Happy holidays! We know that today some of y'all will still be knocked out and/or dining on the remnants of yesterday's feast, and other psychos amongst you will be running around doing work on your Christmas shopping. Either...
Oct. 5, 2021

E69 44 Days in 1991 with Russ from Infectious Groove

It's time for some rock history! In this episode, The Itch is joined by our friend Russ from the Infectious Groove Podcast to discuss August and September of 1991, aka "two months that changed rock music," capped by the relea...