Josh Todd

Josh Todd Profile Photo

Josh Todd has fronted Buckcherry since 1995. He's a fan of Def Leppard, using his body as a canvas, and maximizing his time on press day.

Nov. 24, 2023

E190 Clipisode: Leftovers IV

This week, we're scratching The Itch for a Thanksgiving tradition! In honor of our gratitude to our incredible guests and listeners, we've compiled a collection of previously unheard clips from our 2023 interviews. We hope yo...
May 30, 2023

E157 A Conversation with Josh Todd of Buckcherry

This week, we're scratching The Itch for some straight up rock 'n' roll, man! Buckcherry 's new album Vol. 10 drops Friday, June 2, and in this episode frontman Josh Todd joins us to talk classic rock, tattoos, the creative p...
Guest: Josh Todd