Chad Sexton

Chad Sexton Profile Photo

Chad Sexton has played drums in 311 for over 30 years. His kit is sick, and he sometimes uses it to make visual art.

Nov. 24, 2023

E190 Clipisode: Leftovers IV

This week, we're scratching The Itch for a Thanksgiving tradition! In honor of our gratitude to our incredible guests and listeners, we've compiled a collection of previously unheard clips from our 2023 interviews. We hope yo...
Sept. 5, 2023

E172 A Conversation with Chad Sexton of 311

This week, we're scratching not just an Itch, but an artist off our wish list! Chad Sexton of 311 joins us to discuss the 30th anniversary re-issue of his band's debut album Music , the fine art of creating a setlist, and wha...
Guest: Chad Sexton