E62 The EP Ep: Nothing But Thieves, (Hed) P.E., Crashface, Eve 6

The Itch loves to talk about albums... but not just full-length LPs. Sometimes a band drops a noteworthy EP as well. In fact, over the past few months, we've heard enough fantastic new EPs that we're dedicating an entire episode to them (and it might not be the only one)! We've got Nothing But Thieves' Moral Panic II, (Hed) P.E.'s Sandmine, Crashface's debut Heavy Infectious, and Eve 6's Grim Value. Listen in and find out which album KC turns full heel on!
And hey, when you're done, follow our New Rock Roundup playlist and then connect with us!
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Our theme song "Corrupted", is used with permission from the amazing Skindred. All other content is copyright of The Itch. All rights reserved, including the right to rock on.