E243 A Conversation with Jason Zeilstra and Adam Woloszyn of Nonpoint

This week, we're scratching The Itch for a tradition! Jason Zeilstra of Nonpoint continues introducing us to his bandmates one by one. one year at a time, this time joining us alongside bassist Adam Woloszyn! The fellas recap another eventful year for the band, compare stories of on-stage injuries, share their memories of Nonpoint's upcoming anniversary albums Statement and To The Pain, and talk one of their other mutual passions... superhero nerdery!
Nonpoint will be touring the US in January with fellow Itch guests Crobot (wait, what?) and Heartsick. This is one you'll absolutely want to see if you can.
If you like what you hear, you can hear more of us every Sunday night broadcasting rock to the masses from 6-9pm CST on KCLC-FM. If you're not in the St. Louis area, you can stream the show from 891thewood.com, TuneIn, Radio.net, and OnlineRadioBox!
And if you have the itch to hear some of the best new tracks in rock, follow our New Rock Roundup playlist!
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Our theme song "Corrupted", is used with permission from the amazing Skindred. All other content is copyright of The Itch. All rights reserved, including the right to rock on.

Jason Zeilstra
Jason Zeilstra joined the band Nonpoint as their lead guitarist in 2019, and has since leveled up to the rank of Wicked Soloist.

Adam Woloszyn
Adam Woloszyn plays bass in Nonpoint. He also enjoys bikes, comics, and not getting hurt on stage.