E124 A Conversation with Francesca Ludikar of 361 Degrees Records

This week, we're scratching The Itch for a new interview series! Francesca Ludikar, Creative Director and co-founder of 361 Degrees Records alongside the band Nonpoint, joins us to explore the non-musical side of music as we explore The Itch On The Industry. Her skills behind the camera and beyond have played an essential role in Nonpoint's revitalization, as well as in the development of Sumo Cyco. Join us for a great talk about origins, assets, and how to direct a photo shoot without being in the same room. Enjoy.
And for some "preview" episodes that led up to Francesca's appearance on The Itch, check out the following: E84: A Conversation with Robb & Jason of Nonpoint (Part 1) E55: A Conversation with Robb & Jason of Nonpoint (Part 2) E86: A Conversation with Jason Zeilstra of Nonpoint E116: A Conversation with Skye Sweetnam of Sumo Cyco
If you like what you hear, you can hear more of us every Sunday night broadcasting rock to the masses from 6-9pm CST on KCLC-FM. If you're not in the St. Louis area, you can stream the show from 891thewood.com, TuneIn, Radio.net, and OnlineRadioBox!
And if you have the itch to hear brand new rock tracks every Friday, follow our New Rock Roundup playlist!
For any and all friendship, questions, inquiries, and offers of pizza, The Itch can be found at the following: Website: itchrocks.com Twitter: Twitter.com/itchrocks Facebook: Facebook.com/itchrocks Instagram: Instagram.com/itchrocks Email: itchrocks@gmail.com
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Our theme song "Corrupted", is used with permission from the amazing Skindred. All other content is copyright of The Itch. All rights reserved, including the right to rock on.

Francesca Ludikar
Creative Director
Francesca Ludikar is the Creative Director and co-founder of Nonpoint's 361 Degrees Records. She's been best friends with Skye Sweetnam of Sumo Cyco since both were teenagers, and she knows how to direct one heckuva violent music video.