E27 The System Is Down: Music and the Toxicity of American Politics

Yep, The Itch is going there too. The election is here, and in this episode the guys discuss how art relates to politics, raising questions about the current relevance of socially-minded rock heavyweights System of a Down and Rage Against the Machine, and spotlighting a new generation of musical activist voices, like grandson and FEVER 333. We hope you enjoy our soapbox, and (at the risk of opening Pandora's box) we would love to hear your thoughts!
You can connect with us through social media, email, or by sending an angry voicemail on our site! And don't forget to check out this episode's companion playlist!
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Our theme song "Corrupted", is used with permission from the amazing Skindred. All other content is copyright of The Itch. All rights reserved, including the right to rock on.
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